Aerobic guidelines within Strongman template

I was wondering if you had any recommendations for meeting the Aerobic guidelines within the Strongman template since it’s not specified in the template? I was thinking following the GPP prescribed in the upgraded Hyper II of 2x liss 30min and 2x hiit 20min or in an effort to reduce time 4x 20min hiit at the end of each lifting day to meet the 75min minimum guideline for vigorous aerobic activity, I was thinking on days that end with the sled push or pull or farmers walks i can include the time for those in the 20min total. Example sled push 60’ emom for 6mins. Then just continue (maybe reducing the weight) for another 14 minutes.

I think this would exceed the minimums, which is a good thing :slight_smile:

It’s more about personal preference if you’re not competing in strongman so, do what you prefer.

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