hiit question

Hey Docs,

You may or may not remember from one of my previous posts but I am currently doing the 3day low fatigue template but adding a 4th day doing the implement work from the Strongman template. My question is in regards to HIIT work. I normally do 20 minutes total 30sec on 1:30 rest. My question is does that 20 minutes need to be consecutive? I normally do arm over arm sled pull, or pull then push, or high/low push and if the weather is crappy I use the elliptical. But I was thinking about changing it up and when doing the “carry” from the strongman template (in my case farmers walk) after the prescription is met then adding 10mins with the same interval timing, then i word normally move on to the one arm dumbell press (not hiit) and then finish with the kegs/stone over bar in which I would then do my other 10min hiit doing the same interval timing with my lightest kegs for however many reps i can do in 30sec. Is that good option or should I keep the 20min consecutive?

These are all equivalent from a health perspective. As far as which one improves performance the most, it would depend how we’re measuring performance. The longer the “test”, the less splitting it up is going to transfer.