Good afternoon, have not lifted since June 17th when I welcomed my 1st son to the world. Prior to that I had completed All three phases of the beginner template, as well as Power Building 1. Made great progress on all lifts. I bought the time crunch template anticipating a time crunch as a new Dad. Ran it for a week prior to his birth, and have not been able to lift since. Asked this question back in August, but never got back into consistent training, so thought I’d ask again, since the recommendation could of changed due to even longer downtime (about 6 months).
I read rertuning to the gym, and it looks like phase one of the beginner template is a good start. I just completed week 2 of phase 1. After completing phase 1, should I run phase 2 and 3, or move on to say PB1?
If it matters, My goals are strength in the big 3, weight loss as I’ve gained like 25 pounds, and general health and fitness.
Thanks so much,