Template Transition

Good afternoon Dr’s, I have two questions. 1st some back ground, Finishing up week 8 of Powerbuilding 1 today. Prior to that I finished the beginner template. For reference 37 year old male, 5’9 173 pounds, 34.7 inches. I’ve been in a bulk since the conclusion of the beginner template, and gone from 167 pounds to my current weight, and added just under an inch to my waist. Maybe added weight to fast, not sure. E1RM at the conclusion of the beginner template was S350, Bench 210, and DL 380. Current numbers, S350, Bench, 220, and DL 380. In fairness, I got pretty sick prior to Phase 1 and phase 2 of PB1 and missed close to a week of training each time, so all things considered, I think I’ve responded well to the program, even though numbers have not moved much, they’re trending well now, and I expect to close Phase 2 with PRs in all three lifts. Next piece of info, im expecting my 1st born June 28th, or anytime before that. In anticipation of a hectic schedule, I bought the Time Crunch Template on sale today ?thanks for the memorial day sale).

My plan is to finish PB1 and when the baby is born, transition to time crunch template.

My questions are as follows

  1. If the baby goes to term, there is likely 2 to 3 weeks from ending PB1 to starting the time crunch template. What would you run in the mean time, I was thinking restart block 1 of PB1 and run it till the baby is born, then go to Time Crunch.
  2. since ive hit close to a 35 inch waist, im thinking of maintaining or even cutting. What would your recommendations be?

Thanks again for all yall do,


Thanks for the post and congrats on the new addition (soon to come!). To your questions:

  1. I would probably just start the time crunch template to get used to it, see how much time it takes you, see what you like/don’t like (for any tweaks), and use the saved time to prepare for the baby on the way, hang out with your partner, etc.
  2. I’d be on board with maintenance in order to not add too much stress right now. I think aiming to eat a minimally-processed diet that’s rich in lean protein, high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes would be advisable.
