Any stronger lifters tried 12 week strength template?

Almost every time I see a report posted from someone who completed a BBM template it’s someone squatting mid 300s and deadlifting mid 400s or so (no hate). I know their programs are designed to work for early and more advanced intermediates but was just wondering if anyone has completed the 12 week strength template with numbers around 475/365/625 at 200lbs BW? If so, how were your results from start to finish? Mostly just curious.

12 week strength is similar to how they program one on one for all of their competitive lifters. They coach plenty of people that are elite national and even world level competitors. They all seem to respond fine to this style of training.

I’m on week 9 of the program and I have had alot of progress so far. Looking to hit a 500lbs squat and deadlift and 385 bench when I’m done. That’s about 20-25lbs increase on all lifts since I started.