Following a strength based template for as long as I have has given me some decent results. I’m 6’2 about 250lbs and not fat but probably 20% bf tbh. This type of training has made me well proportioned all over, and overall just larger, but because I’m so well proportioned I simply look like a “larger human being” than a “jacked one.” My Press is 220 now, bench is 315, squat 405 and deadlift 500. I can do about 11 chins at this weight and my arms measure 17" cold flexed. Despite 17" being considered “not small,” I’m just gonna be honest here and say o wouldn’t mind having some arms that pop. Is there anything I can do to achieve this without it hanepering the rest of my training?
Have you considered doing more direct arm work?
I’m wondering if the amount of direct arm work required to produce a meaningful hypertrophic response would affect progress in other areas and if so, how to avoid that. For example, I already do some Curls and tricep Extensions during the week after each training day. I’ll just do 2 sets of 10 usually. Now 2 sets of 10 isn’t really enough to provide adequate arm mass as any “bro” knows, and it seems like probably 4 sets of 10 with different arm exercises a few times a week, slow and controlled in a bodybuilding fashion would be a start. However, at that point, I feel like I might see a dip in my bench and press as a result which is something I don’t want. I was wondering if you guys had any tricks to add a tiny bit more arm volume slowly while still allowing me to progress on all my upper body movements as I am currently.
I doubt it will have any significant effect on your bench and press, particularly if you increase the volume of arm work gradually over a few weeks’ time.
Alright I’ll give it a shot
Austin - would myoreps be an appropriate course of action for Art’s objectives? What would the fatigue impact be of doing a bicep and tricep myorep sequence at the end of training 2x per week?