Direct arm work suggestions

Hi Austin and Jordan I’ve run bridge (free program) once and enjoyed it but second time through I’m thinking of adding some direct arm work to the each day as I cannot do the GPP days due to family work life commitments I train Sunday Tuesday Thursday was Just wondering how I should go about this and what exercises / attachments you suggest? And some of your favourites ?

I’m currently thinking Sunday adding barbell curl / triceps press down
Tuesday adding incline DB press chin ups
Thursday adding dips and machine curls

current lifts 1RM Squat 180kg deadlift 220kg OHP 80kg and bench 155kg (used to be a bro and barely train lower body) hangs head in shame


I probably wouldn’t do DB press, chin ups, pull ups, or dips for “arm work”, but rather triceps press downs of any kind and curls of any kind would be our two go -to’s.

Thanks for the reply do you suggest I drop chins dB incline and dips from my modified version ?

Modified version of what?