Back Offs


Yesterday I worked up to 150kg deadlift for 4@8, then 75% E1RM, which was 135kg, for 2x4. During my way up to 150kg, I did 140kgx4 to feel out where I was strength-wise for the day. Since that was close to 135kg, should I have counted that as one of my back-off sets?

I jumped from 120kg to 140kg (which was last weeks 4@8) as I wasn’t able to tell from 120kg if I was stronger.


Yes, I would count that as one of your back off sets. Carry on!

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Jordan, would this also apply to templates like PB I that explicitly state “then take off 5% and complete x sets for y reps” after the top set?

If you happen to do a set @ -5% from the top set on the way up, I’d count it.

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Jordan, I think I’m unnecessarily confusing myself here. Today, for example, the plan was squats 4@8, 75%1RM for 2x4. I did:

Bar 3x10
100kgx4 (RPE 5/6)
110kgx4 (RPE 7)
115kgx4 (RPE 8)

Back offs:
105kg 2x4

I’m unsure at what point I should have started counting my ramp-up sets as my backs off sets, if at all. Does it even matter as long as I keep things constant?


I will be try and be 100% clear- if your warm up sets and back off sets end up being the same weight and reps (or heavier during the warm up), you CAN count them as a back off set if you want.