My dad (54) has been having general lower back pain for the past few months. It gets a lot worse after prolonged time seated. He has mild scoliosis and hip perthies, for what its worth. He has not done any strength training in the past few months. Would the low back template be appropriate for him or how would you suggest he proceeds?
jw344 - thanks for the questions. The low back pain template may be helpful. Much of this will depend on his goals. Regarding hip perthes, I’m assuming he recovered and/or this was previously addressed?
Yes, he has recovered from them. His goals are to get stronger, gain some muscle and eliminate his back pain. He will try the back template if that will work. Thanks!
Gotcha. Yeah, I think if his goals are resistance training and he has a background with resistance training then the template makes sense based on what you’ve shared in this thread.
Hello! In order not to make a separate thread, I will write here. Because of the office work, began to have severe back pains. The coach said that only massages and training to strengthen the back will help. But after 6 months there are no results. Maybe I’m doing something wrong or I have to work harder.
Hey DGraves, I don’t know how familiar you are with our work, but if you have not seen the Pain in Training: What Do? article, it would be a good place to start. I would also recommend The Problem With An Entirely Structural Approach to Low Back Pain. We would disagree with your coach in terms of the management strategy and “strengthening” exercises are often ambiguous. It is often as much about finding the entry point to where you need to start being more active and increasing from there. It is also rarely just one thing such as office work that causes low back pain. It may be beneficial to talk with one of us in the Pain and Rehab department via consultation to figure out your history and a plan to get you over the hump.