I just purchased the back and rehab template and looking ahead at the future weeks. I believe its not going to get better for me.
Currently im running like the hypertrophy template but i domt deadlift and i sub belt squat for regular squat. I can progress on really any exercises other than squat and deadlift. Really any weight exacerbates my pain.
Just today i tried to squat 65lbs for the 12 reps and that was all my back could take.
Im trying not to ramble im just upset and feel like 3weeks of this im going to.be even more de-trained amd still in alot of pain.
This has been at least a 6month issue. And again i can progress on a leg press/beltsquat , chest supported anything row. But as soon as any real woeght goes on my back it falls apart.
It feels like my lower back is hyperextended evem when i do nothing.
I was about to checkout with a consutl and 1month training when it made me go through the whole sign in/up process and i got cold feet. Someone please help/give me direction
Again i feel like ive made "progress " in my training but CANNOT figure out how to get my lower back to handle anything. I should add im in pain all day. And even hate trying to play with my kids because it hurts.