Hey, Ive got a question and need advice about by situation. Well to breifly explain Iam a 28yo male and training regularly for approx. 3 years with a special condition called schuermanns disease which means i have structural kyphosis, lordosis and a very mild scholiosis. They luckly let me low bar squat and dl and all the other lifts effectively. Anyway i was doing ss for a while and in covid period I was doing some bodyweight workouts and after that ss again and I was in a good shape untill 1 year ago. Throughout this process I herniated my back and it has been reocurred several times (mostly after long breaks which lasts longer than 4 weeks i face form issues and somehow injure myself) but everytime i managerd to handle it by doing a lot of spinal decompression and modifing exercises etc. So one tear ago i find a new job have to move stop training regularly and something like 8 months ago i reocurred my back hernia. It was a little more painfull than the others and i had to move another country so I stopped training gain 10 kilos lose shape and got depression etc… Now I have to start training again I still feel some tingling bec. of hernia and so afraid to start ss and do compound lifts etc… I am thinking about buying the back rehab template but i am not sure that it fits my situation. I dont know where to start and realy need some advice. Thank you.
Not sure, but I feel for you! Good luck and I hope someone has some good advice and help for you.
Thanks for ur support man.