Hi I have a question I would like your opinion on please, I was diagnosed with a bakers cyst today and have been advised to give up all heavy lifting bar upper body work by my doctor, I also have a partial torn ACL and have had a miniscus repair due to an old rugby injury in the same knee, should I take his advice and give up lifting or is there a different path forward that will allow me too keep training. For context I’m 22 and have a squat 1 rep max of 120kg currently.
What was the specific reasoning for their recommendation? None of these things are indications to stop resistance exercise.
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His reasoning was sort off unclear, he reasoned with me that the bakers cyst is permanent and will never go away and due to the forces I’m putting through my damaged knee I’m heading for either more pain or an early knee replacement. For clarity he is just a G.P with the NHS in rural Northern Ireland. The bakers cyst is aggregated by the lifting but the pain isn’t unmanageable. Thank you as well I was mainly just looking for a second opinion because I wasn’t really sure how to proceed.
Yeah, he just made that stuff up.