Barbell bicep curl

Read through Differences in electromyographic activity of biceps brachii and brachioradialis while performing three variants of curl - PMC

which suggest a greater activation of the biceps utilizing an EZ bar. So my question is why the barbell curl? Is it just preference? Obviously it doesn’t impact my training (running the hypertrophy) I prefer the ez bar but just wanted to know your thoughts.

Why the barbell curl? The biceps curl performed with a barbell will activate the muscle sufficiently to drive hypertrophy in the biceps. You could perform it with an EZ bar too. Or dumbbells. This paper doesn’t really have implications for training management IMO.

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Doc do you think that hammer curls offer any different hypertropy responses than a normal curl ? I’ve been doing them forever along with regular curls because I was told they add thickness and work different parts of the bicep as opposed to a barbell or db curl

No. Just like different grips on the bench press don’t change anything with respect to hypertrophy in most individuals.