Bb1 and 2 rest time questions

In the bb1 and bb2 routines
For hypertrophy is it better to take 3 min of rest between sets for the compound movements like bench press if doing 10-12 reps, or 2 min

with 3 min rest there is more recovery and probably full recovery and can do more weight, with 2 min there is less recovery so take a little less weight but maybe that’s better stimulus for hypertrophy?

so just wondering if for hypertrophy full recovery or maintaining a little fatigue between sets is better?

also, I notice in bb2 we r doing more chest exercises like 20 sets and not any sort of shoulder press? If we do that many chest sets is that sufficient for hitting the shoulders or we need a dedicated shoulder press? I know the shoulders do get hit with bench presses


There are a number of questions here and I’ll do my best to answer them succinctly. In a pinch, I would go by the recommended rest periods of the template or program.

To your direct question, we do not know if 3 minutes is better than 2 minutes for hypertrophy. I think the data on rest periods shows that “longer” rest periods seem to do better for producing muscle gain, likely because people can do more volume and possibly because less fatigue is being generated. There’s a point of diminishing returns though, where even longer rest periods- say 5 minutes- don’t necessarily do better than something more modest like 3 minutes. I think there’s also likely an effect of both exercise selection, with exercises using heavier loads, more muscle mass, and so on likely doing better with more rest, e.g. 3-4 minutes. Isolation exercises on the other hand may do better with shorter rest periods of 2 to 3 minutes, but I do think that shorter rest periods than that may compromise the amount of volume people can do. Again, the amount of rest people need between sets to maintain volume - reps per set - and exertion level - RPE or RIR - is likely trainable. As people get more and more fit, they may be able to decrease their rest periods a bit without much of an issue.

Shoulder press and variations thereof can be selected as movements in both bodybuilding templates, or people can do other vertical pressing like incline bench. I do not think that overhead press must be trained for shoulder hypertrophy, as it can certainly be trained with other exercises.


Thank you this is very helpful. I liked 3 min so I will
keep that for big lifts.

even as an advanced trainer, is it possible my body may respond better to less total sets per body part like 12-15 sets vs 20? I was confused why you had recommended I shouldn’t continue phase 3 of
bb2 which is 20 sets per large body part, and why doing bb1 starting phase 1 which is 12-15 sets per body part would
produce just as much hypertrophy? Maybe bc as you mention in the text that body needs different stimulus and progression so when you start at 12 and work up to 20 sets over 2-3 months, that change may be more effective than just continuing 20 sets? Plus I suppose less energy expenditure so more weight gain?

I did really enjoy the phase 3 20 sets, got used to it now
doing bb1 and doing 2-3 sets feel so easy I feel I’m not
doing enough

also, for the daily
recommended protein intake, you had said 1.3g/kg. If we don’t eat a lot of animal meat and more vegetarian diet and whey, should I take be higher? It’s 1.37g/kg regardless of source or at least that much needs to come from whole protein (whey, dairy, eggs meat etc)?


I don’t believe I told you to continue to Block III of either bodybuilding template. I do not think you’ll necessarily respond better to 12 sets over 20 sets, though if you did, I would not plan on working up to 20 sets (from 12) in 3 months. Rather, I would stay at 12 sets until it stopped working. I do not think the energy cost is a contributory mechanism here.

I also did not say 1.3g/kg/d of protein. I recommend a minimum of 1.4 to 1.6 g/kg/d and do not really have a preference for the source at this level of intake.

I really think the main thing you need is more time training appropriately and likely gaining weight for increased muscle size, necessarily modifications to program.

Just my 0.02.
