I just bought the bodybuilding 2 template and noticed that in the templates shoulders seem to be worked directly only once a week and with pretty low volume. Is there a reason behind this?
Wondering because I’d like to see some growth especially in my medial and rear delts while taking a break from powerlifting type of training.
Yep, there’s a lot of pressing work in the template such that I don’t think a ton of isolation work is necessary or even likely to work well. The two isolation slots on top of all the compound work is more likely to be in that sweet spot for many people to grow than a higher volume IMO.
Also, medial delt is a misnomer. The deltoid is classically split into anterior, middle, and posterior heads. The middle head is the most lateral anatomically speaking. Isolating each head’s function is difficult.
Yea, I think our general approach is to use isolation stuff as accoutrements to the program and keep compound lifts as the bread and butter. I could envision a program filled with more isolation stuff, though I don’t think that would suit our general demographic.
Regarding the terminology, sorry if it came across incorrectly. It’s just that MANY people call the lateral most head of the deltoid (e.g. the middle head) the medial deltoid and feel like we should all use a common language. No biggie, just the standard Barbell Medicine pedantry.