Hi Barbell Medicine Family,
I just purchased the Latest Bodybuilding 2 template, and am excited to run it. As I’ve posted before, just to provide some background, I’ve been running the Block 2 of the Original Bodybuilding Template for almost a year now with breaks of either Low Fatigue Strength or General S&C between. (Didn’t do Block 3 because never felt like I needed that much volume yet). I really enjoy training in this matter; I have some new questions please:
- I wanted to run the 3 day: would it be too much of a drastic reduction in volume (or otherwise anything wrong) with going from running Phase 2 in the original template (4 days) to the new 3 day template?
2) Just curious, but why is the “quad” focus day in the 3 day template on D2 instead of D1 like how it is in a majority of your other templates (usually the quad focused day is first)? Would you recommend against switching D1 for D2 if I were to do so? - Is “overuse” with the same movement a thing? I know in general from the templates and from listening to the BBM podcasts that variety is good, however what if I enjoy a movement and want to stick with it for let’s say 2,3 or even 4 blocks in row? I have a hack squat apparatus and use it as my primary movement. I used it the last two bodybuilding blocks for my primary squat movement and still want to use it for this one. I know I probably should sub in another movement (but then again I used to have a back squats for many templates in a row