"Belt Squat" in Bridge 3

Perhaps a silly question, but I wasn’t sure what was meant by “belt squat” in the Bridge 3 template, day 3, exercise 3. Previously you’ve discussed beltless squats as a supplemental movement for the squat. So is this a standard squat with your belt on (previously comp squat) or a typo, should read beltless?

Not quite. A belt squat is a hip-loaded squat movement such as the Pit Shark, Rogue Monster Rhino, etc.

Not a silly question, really! A belt squat is one done in a belt squat machine or with a belt that has a chain to attach the weight to your belt while you stand up on boxes and squat. It’s sold and illustrated here-https://www.roguefitness.com/belt-squat-belt

Oh great, thank you very much!

I have access to a belt squat and a leg press. What should I consider when choosing between the two outside of personal preference?