Benefits Of A Weightlifting Belt v's Training Raw

I don’t own a belt since i’ve only been training with the weights seriously for the last year or two. I know the belt can help you produce more intra abdominal pressure and give you a few extra pounds. I don’t compete, apart from against myself, so is there any other compelling reason to use a belt? They used to say for back protection but from the info i’ve read they say a belt doesn’t prevent injuries. I’ve seen plenty guys lifting heavy without a belt. Just interested in your opinions folks.

No, they don’t prevent injuries.

Correct, they often provide useful tactile feedback to enhance trunk bracing, and typically let people lift a bit more weight.

The rest, from a decision making standpoint, is up to you.

A quick follow up question to this. A while back I read an article that talked about the benefits of using a belt for squats to help keep your body in the right position. Several months ago I was doing beltless squats with some decent weight (for me at least) and tweaked my lower back pretty good by what I believe was a bit to much of a pull from leaning forward. When I was able to get back under the bar I started using a belt for everything after warmup in part to help keep my body in the right position and try and avoid the back tweak again. I personally have liked it I do think it helps me stay in the right spot and there has been no problems since.

I kind of get the point of doing things beltless at times (and used to do it) but as an older lifter I prefer to try and stay healthy to. Does the article in your opinion hold any weight to what it said about maintaining a better body position for squats and is it really that beneficial to do beltless stuff and run the risk of injury?