Best cardio option?

Hello and happy almost Thanksgiving!

I had been running but have a little meniscus injury and had to take a break, rehabbing and doing strength work but not sure what cardio would be the best bang for the buck.

It’s cold/dark here now so mostly inside, which is mentally boring so I can commit to 20-30 min at a time.

Walking at 7% incline at 3.5mph (flexible on these numbers) or
Assault bike intervals or
Rower intervals.

Or all three I suppose, I hadn’t thought of that.

Thanks for any feedback!


All of those types of conditioning are equivalent to me provided you can tolerate them well. I don’t think intervals would be the main style of conditioning I’d recommend, as moderate intensity steady state likely deserves the bulk of your attention.

Also, this article on meniscus injuries may be helpful: