Could I please get some recommendations regarding GPP for the upper back and abs?
I am currently doing the Bridge 3.0. Should I do a vertical pulling movement like chin ups or lat pull downs since I am doing a horizontal pull (Pendlay rows) on day 2?
I think I read somewhere on the forum where Leah said sets of five (or any other submaximal no. of reps) would be conducive. Since I am allotted only about 7~8 minutes for the upper back, would it be optimal to do 7~8 sets of five/six reps? What about RPE for the upper back exercises? I’m guessing because I’m only allowed limited time, the load probably shouldn’t be too heavy, but they also shouldn’t be anything under RPE 7 for five-six reps, right? What is a good set-rep-RPE scheme for the upper back?
Furthermore, are isometric ab exercises more conducive for making the Valsalva maneuver more efficient? Are exercises like Hollow Body Holds better than say, hanging leg raises? How should I go abour tye set rep scheme for abs? Does 1 minute work, 30s rest sound okay?
It doesn’t really matter, but if you like chins and/or lat pull downs, go for it.
I would do many sets of 8-20 reps at RPE 7-8 per set.
I’m not sure what you mean by efficiency in this context and no, I don’t think hollow rocks are better than hanging leg raises without any other context.
I would pick an ab exercise you like and do the sets to near failure as many times as possible within the time frame.
At the end of the day it’s just GPP and I wouldn’t stress about it too much.