Bridge GPP question

Hey Guys

Ive recently completed my LP and currently on week 2 of the Bridge.

I have a question on GPP day if thats ok.

During my LP i was doing the Santana chinup protocol (pulldown machine), I was doing this after every workout, 4 sets of 10, 3 mins rest, and adding 1.1kg each workout. Last 3 sets were roughly RPE 9/10.

During my first GPP day I decided to continue the pulldowns for my upper back work.

I did 1 set EMOM for 7 minutes at RPE 7-8 as prescribed. But one thing I noticed was that naturally I was using less weight overall and had to drop the weight and reps with each set to keep the RPE the same. For some reason It didnt seem as productive to what I was used to. So I was thinking of 3 possible options.

  1. Continue with the pulldown protocol for my upper back workout.

4 sets of 10, linear progression as before, 3 mins rest between sets. Sets will eventually drop to 8 reps once the weight gets heavier as per the protocol This would take me over the 7 minute mark.

  1. Continue with the pulldown protocol, 4x10, 3 mins rest, but keep my RPE at 8, and progress similairly to BBM excercises.

This will also take me over 7 minutes.

  1. Continue with the 7 minutes routine, EMOM as prescribed.

Whats your thoughts on this? I was enjoying the progression of the 4 sets of 10, but if you reckon its a pointless endeavour then Im happy to just use the standard 7 mins GPP template.

Thanks guys

Update: I got a response from Jordan over at the moderated forum.
