GPP days

Are the gpp days supposed to be done fast?

Do you move from one exercise to another with minimal rest between sets and exercises like a circut OR do you change exercises like you would on lifting days ,not light speed just normal time it takes to change.


I tend to do them quickly mainly because of time constraints, but also because of fatigue issues. I follow the appropriate time for the abs and upper back when that is applicable. I do take breaks during those while the timer is ticking, and I usually break it up the allotted 7 minutes into 4 sets. So do a set then rest 1 min, and repeat for 7 minutes. I will often superset tricep and bicep work. So I rarely get a rest in-between sets on those and it takes me 7-10 minutes to complete those.

For the upper back work I choose a moderately heavy weight for lat pull downs, bench pull downs or seated rows. I do them sort of like myo-reps. I start my timer and so as many reps as I can, rest 1 minute and do as many reps as I can every minute. Works really well for me.

I just do them at whatever rate I feel like.

I have been doing conditioning first. I usually take a bit of a break and chat with some friends after that. Then make my way to do the other stuff.

I think you’re splitting hairs if you’re talking about time taken in between exercises.

I moved my 2x a week supplemental lifts onto a single GPP day, and I do similar stuff every GPP day.

It works out great.

I figure something like 2 minutes rest time between sets, maybe less if I still feel fresh.

It’s pretty fun and low stress time in my gym. Not too slow and not too fast. Have fun.

Thanks for the feedback.