Question about The Bridge | GPP


I’m one week into The Bridge, and what I’d like to know is if i’m OK to continue with my previous GPP programme (outlined below), or whether i should
follow The Bridge to the letter.

BTW - I’m pretty new to all of this so apologies in advance if this is all a bit LDO :slight_smile:

In the GPP section, you state “For the intermediate recently graduating from SSLP, we assume that he or she was not performing a significant amount of
conditioning or accessory work”. I’ve never done SSLP; i’m graduating from Alan Thrall’s Basic Strength Programme, which included a fair bit of both, so my
assumption is that i’m good to continue as before. Yes?

If not, could you pls expand a bit on how you’re organizing the GPP days listed in the programme? You obviously don’t intend a single, continuous 7-minute
set of Pull-ups, so how should I be splitting this up? Same question on Ab exercises.


56yo Male, 90kg, ~30% body fat. Current Objective - Lose ~10kg body fat

Current GPP:
HIIT 30 secs work: 30 secs rest, repeat 3 times, 1 minute rest in between

  • Kettlebell swings 12 kg
  • Kettlebell Goblet Squats 12kg
  • Jumping Jacks
  • DB Reverse Flies 6kg
  • DB Arnie Press 6kg
  • Mountain Climbers
    2 x per week (i.e. non-lifting days)

I have a question along these lines as well, which will probably sound dumb. But for 8 weeks I’m basically doing only 3 exercises a day at the gym? Are there no assistance exercises on the non-GPP days? I can understand why not perhaps for the purposes of fatigue and recovery, but I just want to be sure I’m not overlooking some unspoken understanding that we ought to be adding our own assistance work.

Pick a sub maximal set of chin-ups. So if you can do a max set of ten, pick maybe 5. Set a timer for 7 min. Perform 5 chins, rest 30 seconds, perform 5 chins, rest 30 seconds, etc. if when the timer goes off, if you were able to complete all sets with 5 reps, next time do sets of 6. If on your last set you could do more than 5, next time start with sets of 7 or 8. If, however, you got, for example, 7 sets of 5 and 4 sets of 4. You shoot for 8 sets of 5 next time until you get sets of 5 throughout, then up to sets of 6. If you get up to sets of 10 across; I’m impressed, and then maybe start reducing rest by 5 seconds or add 1 minute. Same thing with abs.

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Ah, ok - that makes sense. Thanks Brian