Hi guys,
A while ago I wrote about pain in my shoulder from low-bar squats, which I thought was related to bicipital tendonitis. After receiving advice from Dr. Baraki, I started to work on my grip and grew conscious of the problem. I noticed that the pain was not only on my tendons, but also on my brachioradialis, biceps brachii and coracobrachialis. I wondered why and remembered having a similar pain years ago after an arm wrestling challenge with some friends. So I got under the bar again, but this time I paid atention on the pressure I was applying to the bar. It seems I was ¨arm wrestling¨ the bar by pressing on it with an internal rotation of the humerus. This was causing an extreme isometric contraction which made my bicep complex sore as hell, to the point of having to stop the set.
So I started to work on my grip and the relaxation of my arms and, even though my arms are still sore, they are getting much better.
I just wanted to share this with you guys, in case this was happening to any of you. Always remember…DO NOT ARM WRESTLE THE BAR!!!