Hi Doc, me again. What’s up?
Just wanted to ask your opinion on the proper weight loss rate per week for an individual who is trying to use Hypertrophy 2 as the template of choice while being on a deficit. How high should the deficit be? If I aim for 1% weight loss per week, then that means that I have to eat around 700 calories less per day. Is a 700 calorie deficit per day too much? Would one implement refeed days? Keep in mind that my goal is to lose around 10lbs of fat. Should I aim for 1lb weight loss per week during this 10 week training program? What do you think about maintenance cycles before a cut/bulk? After running Hyper 2 on a deficit, I also plan to run it back on a bulk. Do I jump from a cut to a bulk?!
My question is definitely a long one but I needed to get this out of my head. Thank you so much!
There is no ideal rate, as this is context specific. A 700kCal/day deficit may be appropriate for you to lose 1lb/wk, which sounds reasonable. You can adjust based on results.
I don’t think refeed days are necessary, no.
I don’t think anything about a maintenance cycle before a cut or a bulk without additional information. In general, I like folks who have lost weight to try and maintain that and prevent weight regain.
There are many questions to answer here, Leon, and I would advise thinking critically about your specific goals, situation, etc. before rapid-firing questions.
That all being said, here is some advice based on what little I do know about you:
If you want to lose weight- that’s a perfectly reasonable goal. If there’s no real timeline or immediacy needed to do this, I’d prefer a slow, sustainable weight loss that is at least 2.5% BW per month. If you want to gain muscle after losing the body fat, I would then recommend a calorie surplus and I don’t necessarily think you need to have a maintenance phase first unless you were previously overweight/obese based on waist circumference.
Thanks Jordan! Highly appreciate it!
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