Canned tuna, sardines and salmon


Can canned foods found in Walmart like salmon, tuna and sardines be considered processed foods?

They have some level of processing, yes, but are generally not considered processed meats. As I recall, they’re Group 3 per the NOVA classification system.

I see, should I avoid long term consumption of those canned foods?

I don’t think that is necessary, provided the rest of your dietary pattern is on point. In saying that, I realize it makes it seem that canned foods may be unhealthy, but I don’t think that is the case for all canned foods. Rather, I think that dietary patterns associated with high amounts of canned foods are likely to be worse than dietary patterns consisting of mostly fresh foods.

When discussing tuna, salmon, and sardines…I’d be more aware of the mercury content from a frequency of eating standpoint than anything to do with processing.

I did some reading, sardines and salmon are in the low end spectrum of mercury. Is it safe to consume 4oz(salmon or sardine) per day?

I don’t think that’s advisable.

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I see, thanks Jordan, I will take this advice and reduce those items from my diet.

Hi Jordan,

thanks for the FDA link but in the beginning it says: “(…) This advice can help women who are pregnant or may become pregnant - as well as breastfeeding mothers and parents and caregivers feeding children 2 years and older (…)”

There is a lot of nutritional advice for pregnant or breastfeeding women as well as younger children that does not necessarily apply to “normal adults” so why do you think that this advice regarding fish consumption also holds for everybody else?

Thanks in advance!

My mistake, there’s a similar-looking resource for all adults, though it looks like the previous link I used goes to a dead end on the EPA site.

I think that to the extent mercury content in fish should be considered with respect to a particular dietary pattern, having information regarding better choices is useful. That said, I don’t think many folks will come close to eating “too much” fish unless they’re doing something like eating tuna everyday or something.