Cardio and 'zones'

During your recent wholesome Training VLOG, Austin mentioned the intention to put out some information on ‘zones’ for cardiovascular training and the large discrepancy in definitions.

Is this something you can answer in a forum response, or is it something that is best dealt with in a podcast or an article?

It’ deserves a more thorough treatment IMO, though I’m happy to answer a specific question here if you have one.

Hi Docs et al,

I found the podcast trilogy on conditioning very helpful and it addressed most of the potential questions I would have posted here.

A quick question just to make sure I’ve got the hang of this.

I’m using a Concept 2 rower for my conditioning. I’ve calculated my max HR as 180bpm using 208 - (0.7 * age) and intend to do a ‘field test’ at some point as well.

‘Zone 2’ of the 5 zone model would be classed as moderate intensity at an RPE of 5-6 and a heart rate of 75-83%; presumably five 30min sessions per week at between 135 -150 bpm on the rower would get me 150 mins of moderate intensity conditioning?