Cardio/Conditioning after strenght training

Hi everyone,

I’m currently doing the 7 weeks hypertrophy 3 days and because I’ll have a few weeks when I’ll be short on time I decided to do the GPP days after my non-GPP trainings.

Is anyone aware of any studies showing a negative impact on strength (decrease in 1RM for S,B,D) and/or “muscle gainzzz” when performing cardio training (HIIT and LISS) AFTER strength/hypertrophy workouts (reps and sets), in the same training session?

Any feedback on my approach is well received

Thanks for all the help and info you guys give to the community. It changed my life :slight_smile:

While there are definitely some studies showing that, the bulk of the evidence suggests no real effect on training adaptations when conditioning is performed for 30 minutes or less, 3 times a week or less.

Alex just from personal experience I can tell you that when I’m done my training sessions , I go home eat quick and then walk my dog for about 15-20 min every training day so that’s 4 days a week and I’ve found no impact on my training. I’ve been doing this for well over a year ( when the weather permits obviously)