Chin-ups/pull-ups in "no equipment" template


So like what seems to be most people here, I will not have access to gym for a while. I bought and downloaded your home workout template, and that has already done a lot to reduce my anxiety over the situation.

I notice that in the “no equipment” template, chin ups and pull-ups are not listed as an option. That makes sense, simce a pull-up bar would technically count as equipment. However, a pull- up bar is actually about the only piece of equipment I do have access to. So, given that I want to do chin-ups, and maybe later on in the program, pull-ups, should I do them with the “no equipment” template?

Thanks in advance!


Thanks for the post. I would probably do one of the following:

  1. Use the minimal equipment template included in your purchase (pull ups and chin ups are in there); or
  2. Replace the 3rd movement on days 1 and/or 3 with pull-up/chin-up variations (also available on the minimal equipment template).

Hope this helps!


Thanks for the reply, I went for option 2. Now that I’m done with week 1 of the template, I have a couple of additional questions.

  1. How important are the rep-ranges? I can only do about 8-10 chin-ups and don’t have access to any bands or anything else that I could use for assistance. Should I still do them as the 3rd movement of the template, or should chose a different movement for the following weeks? I might be able to get a band for assistance by week 3 or so.

  2. At-home workouts kind of suck compared to actually lifting, so I’m already wondering about which template I should follow when I get back to it. Before the outbreak, I was training 4 days a week and doing better than ever before, so would PL2 be a decent option? If you think it would be too much, how about HLM 2.0, given I’ve made decent progress on it in the past (although nowhere near as good as with 12 week strength etc.).