Hey Docs, new member. Been doing SSLP since the end of August. Your podcasts have been very enlightening, especially the programming series. After listening I’ve realized I might be nearing the end of my LP as the intensity is getting significantly higher the last few workouts. I would say most of my working sets are RPE 8-9, though I’m not very experienced at judging RPE. I haven’t actually missed any lifts or sets, but a few have felt pretty grindy. I figure I have a few options.
Do a proper 10% deload and try to squeeze some more out of my LP
Bridge 3.0
Hypertrophy I
These are the two programs I have access to after the sweet Black Friday deal. Some potentially relevant info: Previously did Crossfit for a couple of years. Conditioning was great, but I’m already stronger on main lifts than I ever was during those 2 years. Before restarting SSLP I was, however, quite detrained after getting in a relationship, switching to night shifts and squandering my crossfit gainz for a few years. I’m 5’9, 210 lbs and a 41" waist, so fat loss is a primary concern and the reason I was drawn to the Hypertrophy program.
Anyways, What do?