Clarification on low fatigue template

Im looking ahead to the next template to run. The description for the low fatigue is that it contains four different training templates. Two three day, and two four day templates.

It isn’t explicitly stated in the the description, but I assume these templates are not meant to be ran back to back. Rather, I could run a three day low fatigue, do a hypertrophy template, and then jump into the three day mid fatigue block?

Is my understanding correct?​​​​


Thanks for the post. For long-term programming, I think that if the preferred adaptation(s) remain the same (and are complimentary) then so should the programming, save for iterative changes based on response and preferences. For someone interested in maximal strength, I don’t think they should run dedicated hypertrophy blocks unless they want to.

For this question specifically, you could definitely run the Low- and Medium-ISF templates back-to-back if you prefer. Alternatively, you could run a 3-day template first, then 4-day afterwards.