Hello everyone! Long time lurker, first time question asker.
Perhaps this is a tired question or I’m over thinking too much, but would the Low ISF - 3 day template be appropriate for concurrent running-endurance training? This is my second time working through the template, and I really enjoy the programming style, the structure, and the decreased fatigue. Currently, in between the lifting days I run a total of 4 days totaling 4+ hrs per week. I do three zone 2 days with one day being a long run, and one zone 3 or threshold day. I’ve been seeing positive results but I’ve only recently (about 10 weeks) built up to this, and I would like to continue to progress in both weekly running time on feet and the length of my long run. I have a history of strength training with BBM templates for about 6 years, and a endurance training history of about 3 years (not as much in more recent months).
In the past I put one activity on the back burner for the sake of progression of the other, but at this point now, I don’t really care about the speed of my progression, I just want to do both things because I enjoy the training, and exceeding the physical activity guidelines is nice too.
Some information about me: I am 28, 5’7”, around 175 lbs. probably not relevant but my current numbers are around 420 for squat, 335 bench, and 510 deadlift, and I can currently run in lower zone 2 for around 90 minutes before jumping hr zones. My goals are simply to continue to progress my strength and progress my ability to run long distances without much care for how long either takes me. In the future, I would possibly compete in a PL meet, but right now If I was going to compete I would rather participate in a an Ultra of some kind.
Based on this information, would you restructure or modify the low fatigue 3 day template in any way to accommodate for the added training and fatigue? I had some ideas if necessary but I would like to get a more educated suggestion before I did anything. Thank you!