Confused on what i need to do

Hey, i am kinda new to training (at least training with purpose).
im 17,about 20% bodyfat(Navy calc) but i think have more lower bodyfat. My waist is 32-33 im 173cm and weigh about 73kg. My goals are aesthetics and getting stronger (i dont want to compete and i dont need to become REALLY strong). I am making this post because im not sure what to do, imo i dont have a lot of muscle mass to look good lean, i want to loose weight and i already lost -7kg with help of the to be a beast article, what do you guys think i should do? I train 3 days a week and go to boxing 1-2 days a week.

I would consider slowly gaining weight (~2lbs a month) until your waist gets up to 34", in which case I’d reduce calorie intake to lower your waist circumference. Then I’d do the whole thing over again.

Thanks for the reply. If i want to gain around 2lbs a month i would need to eat around 2900 calories (assuming my tdee is 2650). In the to be a beast article it says that for muscle gain i need to eat around. Is there any specific macro split needed or is aiming for 1.1g of protein per lbs and 35g of fiber enough?