Correlation of Waist Circumference, Health, BMI, and Body Fat%

I’ve had some successful weight loss lately and gotten my waist under the 37 Inch mark from a health perspective but I find myself asking the question is that far enough? What “should” the goal be. From a health perspective can it be said that 35 Inches is “healthier” than 37 Inches? 31 better than 35? Etc. And are there guidelines for healthy body fat %'s regardless of weight and waist circumference. Should a person be shooting for a given body fat% range for optimal health outcomes? Thank you!

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Once you’re below the 37" range (assuming you’re the correct ethnicity/demographic for this cutoff), I’d be looking at other parameters to make decisions about whether to reduce it further such as blood pressure, blood lipids, fasting blood sugar, or other conditions associated with excess body fat. If all of those look great and you’re meeting/exceeding physical activity guidelines, I’m not sure I could make an especially strong case for pushing things down further outside of personal preference.

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