Hey Jordan,
Just want to start by saying thanks for all of the content you guys put out, it’s been incredibly helpful on my journey. So I’m currently doing the bodybuilding template that was recently put out. Before that I finished the beginner template.
My stats are:
Height: 5’3
Weight: 146lbs
Waist: 35 inches
My goal is to build muscle, but not at the expense of my health. I know you recommend not going past a 37 inch waist circumference, so in your opinion do you think I should cut my waist down a few more inches since 35 is getting a bit close? Or slow bulk for as long as possible until my waist reaches 37 inches? Or eat at maintenance and see if my waist reduces?
I know you get this type of question a lot and I can imagine it gets annoying. Thank you for your time.