Hi there - I’m due to finish Powerbuilding I next week, so wanted to try to put together my own program for the first time.
I’ve put together the below Heavy, Light, Medium template, focusing on bench, squat and deadlift.
Some comments on how I put this together:
How I determined what is H, L or M:
- Heavy - I classed anything as c.87% of my 1RM and above as heavy
- Light - 75% - 81%
- Medium - 81% - 86%Exercise selection:
- Squats - I’ve found I respond to training better when squatting more frequently, but I also want to mix things up to incorporate some front squats as I have hardly done these in the past and think they would help my low bar squats (my squats sometimes turn into good mornings).
- Deadlift - Deadlift is one of my favourite lifts so the only variation I put in was paused deadlifts
- Bench - I chose 3 bench variations. On day 3 I put on 2 additional sets of 6@8, as I was hoping this may make up for the lack of pressing in the template.
- Press - struggled to know where to fit this in, so I put Myoreps in for two days, with additional benching as mentioned above.
- GPP - will supplement this with arm work/ab work/trunk work and conditioning
- Rep ranges - I’ve tried to put in a variety of rep ranges, just to mix things up
My plan:
- Run this template for 4 weeks, see how I respond to it and then make a decision on whether to increase volume or intensity where needed.
- I aim to increase strength whilst also hopefully losing excess body fat.
Questions I have:
- Does anybody think there is anything that is glaringly obvious that would need to be changed? Is there too much volume, or not enough? Is the intensity right?
- Press has taken a back seat on this template - where would you slot it in if you could? I was thinking of changing the medium bench slot on day 1 to a medium press slot?
- Is it wise to do H, L and M all on one day, or would I better doing all heavy slots on one day, and the same for light and medium?
- I was contemplating changing High Bar squat for another slot of Low Bar - any comments on this? Logic would say doing another Low Bar slot would help me improve low bar overall. Thanks in advance