Hey docs,
Hope all is well with the whole BBM crew, happy new year. I fell a couple weeks ago, got a cut across my left palm on some rocks. My primary said because it was pretty jagged it didn’t need sutures, so I just needed to keep it clean and let it heal. Because it was across my palm, I figured I should lay off exercises that would potentially pull the tissue apart (deadlifts, rows, pullups), and I mentioned that to her. She said absolutely, I needed to avoid those until it fully healed. I’m 68, and she told me it would take 3 months for it to fully heal.
Do you think I really need to wait 3 months until I can start pulling again? I did deadlift warm ups with just the bar the other day (2 weeks after I cut the hand), and I didn’t feel a thing.
Appreciate any opinions on this, and if you can’t offer up one because you can’t see the cut, I understand that as well.