Dan John easy strength

Anyone over run this program before and if so what are your thoughts?

I like the idea of lifting 5 days a week and seems to require lifting at a lower RPE / not chasing fatigue.

I haven’t run it and its been a few years since I have read exactly what Dan John’s Easy Strength is but I believe it does not really have elements of progression or auto regulation in it. The only advice he gives is pick weights so that you never miss. My personal opinion is that programs like that produce a lot of your mileage may vary results because the people running them apply their own assumptions and preferences to running the template. If you are a mature lifter with good experience around picking weights and do a good job with auto-regulation you probably will find success.

Since we are on a BBM website, and if I were looking for a program aiming for lower fatigue, I would probably lean towards on of the BBM low fatigue templates before I would try Easy Strength.

Though I find some of the reported before and after strength gain claims dubious to say the least, and it certainly won’t build much in the way of hypertrophy, hey, it’s like fifteen bucks and forty days.
Whatta ya got to loose?