Hello Dr.
I had a small layoff that caused my deadlift and squat strength to tank, but bench had stayed the same. So I’ve been running S1’s upper body programming and BT for the rest. Currently on week 7 of S1 and week 12 of BT. I’ve been seeing very good progress with this approach so far.
Is it okay to switch the deadlift/squat programming to S1’s as well? Perhaps I could jump right into week 5 or 6.
My reasons for this, deadlifts in particular (comparing between S1 week 6 and BT week 12):
• The prescription doesn’t seem drastically more demanding.
• I’ve been doing the same recommended supplemental pull (paused deadlifts).
• The lower volume would enable me to complete my conditioning as I’d have more time after training.
Thanks for your time.