In my Gym there are two spots where I can Deadlift. I vary from time to time.
On one of the spots the biggest plates are 20kg and they have a smaller Diameter than the 25kg plates on the other platform.
Now I always feel like I perform better with the smaler diameter plates, does that make any sense at all? because I feel like a bigger diameter should be easier to lift.
And if you could give any tip, my biggest weakpoint by far is off the ground, I never struggled to lock out a weight, but off the ground is a problem.
That agian strikes me as contradictory to me feeling to perform better with a smaller plate diameter.
I hope to get some insights.
Best wishes
I’ve had stretches of time where my deficit deadlift felt better than my regular deadlift, but I think that had more to do with the days I was doing them, my mindset, and expectations than anything strange going on with my mechanics.
I don’t know that you need to do anything specific, but I’d pull from a standard-sized plate height as often as possible. I don’t see a good use in where you deadlift, but gym traffic may force that. In that case, I’d space the “deficit” deadlift up to a normal height.
The first “hard” part of deadlifts is off the floor. If it doesn’t break from the floor, you don’t have to worry about lockout, right?
Funny thought: Standard 20 and 25kg plates are of equal diameter, just like 15kg plates. The fact that they differ in diameter in your gym lets me think that they are non-standard and chances are that their weight differs from what it is written. In other words, the reason you are stronger on “deficit” pulls might be that the weights are just lighter?