Do you believe it’s important to have a Deload week after finishing a training cycle? I haven’t been maxing out there last 2 training cycles , my “peak” week is just singles @90-91%. Do you think I should do a Deload like normal or I’d be fine jumping back into high volume next week ?
I find life has a way of deloading you anyway. Work related travel/busy periods, events and such that are messing with the routine, illness etc etc normally conspire to kill enough sessions that I don’t personally program deloads for myself.
The unwelcomed reduction in frequency on occasion tends to do it for me.
Do you feel like you need one? If you don’t feel beat up and only worked up to a few singles @8 all last week then I would skip the deload as it sounds like you already dropped volume last week and while intensity was higher, you weren’t straining yourself reaching for RPE 10 sets. I would probably take a week of moderate volume then go back to high volume training but I wouldn’t think of that as a deload as it was ramping up volume from the previous week and probably holding similair RPE per set as last week. Maybe something like 3-4 work sets instead of 5-6 (or however much moderate volume and high volume are to you based on training age ect.).
Usually with some combination of volume and intensity, people lose the will to train. Or they feel beaten up and worn down, and it isn’t stuff outside the gym (sleep, family, relationships, job… )