Hello team,
I have an underlying susceptibility to depression. However, my depression has been well-maintained for some time now, as I found the medication that works for me. However, I recently started working out intensely and noticed my depression come back strong and with a vengeance only on those days where I stress my body. 1) Is it unusual that high intensity training would trigger depression? I usually read that strength training is great for mood, and it’s hard to find the opposite. However, I do know there is a depression-inflammation link. Any information would be helpful. Thank you.
Individual responses are often variable.
Have you considered starting out with slightly lower intensity and working up more gradually?
I’m considering it now, lol.
What are possible reasons for this response to intense training? Is it that my nervous system can’t handle the stress?
There is unlikely to be one specific mechanism here. Just as with depression, fatigue is complex and multifactorial, and hypothesizing about this is unlikely to change the ultimate recommendations for management. It sounds like the degree of stimulus you are applying in training exceeds your current tolerance, for whatever reason, and we need to bring that back into an appropriate range for you.
Very much appreciate you helping me. I will reduce the intensity to a more tolerable level and gradually work my way up.
Thanks for the information
Thanks for the information.