Hello frens,
I just had an endoscopy today. Doctor didn’t tell me how minor but he told me I had a minor hiatial hernia and nothing serious. I’ve been having stomach issues since April, with an isolated and similar incident back in November. I’ll spare you the details of my stomach issues since that’s outside the scope of this forum. However, I’m worried about the hiatial hernia. I have read that Mark Rippetoe has one and doesn’t pay mind to it, while others have stopped their lifting career over it. My stomach was fine back in June and July, I was lifting heavy with 1 rep maxes according to the Conjugate method, and all was well until after I got Covid and took aspirin, presumably irritating my stomach (but not visible in today’s endoscopy). I’ve never had reflux or anything from lifting weights besides back in April/May when I had my initial stomach issues.
Should I be concerned about this hernia? Do any of you have any experience treating it and training around it?