Hello docs! I’ve had a hiatal hernia for 2 years now. I tried medication and, while it did help with reflux to an extend, it did not help other symptoms, such as halitosis, at all. So I finally made an appointment for surgery. Now, the surgeon does not lift and he even specifically told me he doesn’t know anything about lifting. That being said, he did say that high intra-abdominal pressure (so, training) is going to make it way more likely for the hernia to re-appear. He also recommended that for about 2 months after the surgery (laparoscopic surgery), I should not train at all, and even then, not train with weights higher than my bodyweight. Of course, this seems very arbitrary and I don’t care much for the recommendation, but I’m just giving context. Now, I do have 2 specific questions:
With symptoms such as halitosis not getting better from medication and such, would you consider surgery to be a good way to fix the symptom? I know you’re going to say that the hernia and halitosis may be unrelated, however I know exactly when the hernia happened, and the halitosis started around that period, so I’m fairly certain that they are related
What would be your general training recommendations post-op? I’m not trying to actively go against my surgeon, but since he doesn’t know anything about lifting, I am trying to at least meet him half-way, and start training sooner.
Thank you!