I want to thank BBM for all of your help over the past 9 months. With Beginner and GSC templates I was able to lose about 25lbs, and 5 inches off my waist, while gaining in strength. I still have a way to go, but my life and health is markedly better than this time last year. Sincere thank you.
I’m currently finishing 3rd week of Powerbuilding 1. I am trying to dial in RPE. After observing some conversations in the Facebook group, and looking at my own video evidence I thought I may have been underestimating rpe.
Today I hit 265 deadlift and It felt like a 8, but watching the recording it seemed to move like 6-7. So I went for 280, which felt like a 9.5, but I thought it looked like an 8 on the recording. I moved to back off sets (percentage taken from 280) but second set didn’t budge, which makes me think I overestimated my RPE.
So I guess two fold questions:
Any advice for judging between how I might feel, and what video evidence might show? Is this something I’ll continue to dial in and learn with time?
As fatigue builds with back off sets, should each set continue to stay a few reps away from RPE 10?
I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season!
36 y/o Male