Difference between strength day programmation

Hello BBM crew,

Quick question regarding different strength protocol used in strength templates. What are the differences between those two strength protocole that we find in strength I, II and III:
5@6rpe, 5@7rpe, 5@8rpe, repeat 5@8rpe for 2-3 sets.
5@7rpe, 5@8rpe, 5@9rpe, 5@(9rpe - 5%) for 1-2 sets (until hitting 9rpe again)

Best regard

I’m not sure what you’re asking outside of what are the literal differences between the two prescriptions. The first one goes to RPE 8 and has more sets, whereas the second one goes to RPE 9 and has less sets.

Sorry for not being clear (english isn’t my mother tongue)
My question is more focused on what is the rational behind those two ways of programming set*rep for a movement?
I’m doing front squat with the 8RPE protocole. I do 5@6RPE, 5@7RPE, 5@8RPE, then I repeat 8RPE for 3 more sets. So I did 30 reps, with 4 sets at 8RPE

The next week, I also do front squat but with the 9RPE protocole. I do 5@7RPE, 5@8RPE, 5@9RPE, then I remove 5% of 9RPE and do 3 more sets (the 6th sets is where I hit 9PE again). So I did 30 reps, with 9RPE intensity for 2 sets of my 6.

This example shows my question, because I don’t see a lot of difference between those protocole, so they would produce the same adaptation, no?
But for me, when looking at the Strength Templates, there are slightly difference between those (8RPE generally allow more volume, like 5-6 sets (@6, @7, 3-4@8RPE); 9RPE is slightly more intensity focused, thus having a little bit less sets (generally @7, @8, @9, then 1-2@9 -5%)), so why programming one instead of the other? If they produce the same adaptation, they are interchageable? But if they do not produce the same adaptation, what are these differences?

I hope I’m clearer this time :slight_smile:

No, you did 4 sets of 5 @ RPE 8 in sets of 5. 5 reps @ 6, and 5 reps @ 7.

Here you did 1 set of 5 @ 7, 3 sets of 5 @ 8, and 2 sets of 5 @ 9.

The average intensity is higher in this example.

Yes, both would produce similar adaptations. Inter-individual differences aside, the incremental increase in intensity may be better for driving maximal strength adaptations.