Hey BBM,
given the large variance in response between individuals I’d like to figure out what sort of training works best for me for my goals specifically in some sort of controlled scientific-ish process. For example, I might want to investigate what rep ranges work better for me or which exercise variants work better, what intensity and volume produce better results, etc.
1: For strength, at least, I can use singles @8 and/or estimated one rep maxes to monitor progress. My question: how best to go about changing variables over time? To make any sense of the data I feel like you’d have to run the same programm week to week for 4-8 weeks say and then only change one or two variables for the next block. Then there’s also the issue that I won’t be the same person after 4-8 weeks. How do I know that the change of variables produced the different result and not just the fact that I’m also adapting to the stimulus over time?
2: What about measuring hypertrophy? Given that my arms aren’t going to grow by centimetres month to month, thus making circumference measurements less useful, how would I go about measuring progress? Is the solution to take regular photos in the same place and lighting? I often hear bodybuilders talking about how this exercise or that workout really worked well for them so I feel like it must be possible to draw some conclusions about what works better, but I’m at a loss as to how.
In short, how can I use training data to improve my training?