My e1rm dropped 30lbs today on the comp squat from last Monday. This is nothing to worry about, right?
This is why rpe based training is the way to go in order to stay trained and get stronger. Being the type to want to increase weight each week in the past, I need affirmation I’m on the right track. I shouldn’t think the programming doesn’t work anymore, correct?
Depends on the circumstances. If you’re doing a BBM template then no, there’s nothing to worry about. They program such that you’re carrying over fatigue into the next workout so it’s perfectly normal to have significant e1rm changes because of the level of residual fatigue you have.
If it makes you feel better, even though I’m not doing BBM programming, just a week ago my e1rm on bench dropped >15 lbs. It was 240 and my top single was 215@9. 3 days later I PRed my bench with 245 and 3 days in a row of way too little sleep (4.5 hour average)
Typically BBM programs the last week as a “low stress” week with 1@8s for the comp lifts. That’s when you should care more what your e1rm did over the course of that block/template.
Yeah I was thinking that too. been watching Mike Tuchscherer coaching calls and explained fatigue is accumulated overtime regardless of weight on the bar, and probably after the training cycle is over, that’s when you’ll see huge PRs