Hi there. How many times i search for electrolytes, i can’t find a useful information.
I had a little issue with my right pectoralis major but, it is healed (that was not a tear but i couldn’t train bench press cuz that hurt).I just stop training for 3 months and now i just start to workout 2 months ago. I am training once in two days fullbody now (only push ups for chest). Not in the same area but it is close, my right chest muscle is cramping and that scares me a little because of my former injury. It never happens while i training but it happens while i was sitting on my couch and trying to take my water from floor with my right hand and like randomly moments 3-4 times in a day. It is just for a second and that’s all. I try to massage it with my hand and i feel it, when i touch the right point the my chest muscle cramps little.
I use 6grams of iodized table salt, 200mg of magnesium supplement and eat 200grams of potato and 100grams banana for potasium. I drink 4 liters of water daily. I am not taking any calcium because of my D3 treatment but, last month when i did my blood test, my calcium levels were normal. it was more than middle levels.
My D3 level was very minimal like 2 months ago(14 ng/mL is considered severely deficient). I just thought that this was the reason why i got injury. I started treatment for my d3 levels and i start to use 5.000 IU for every day and after a month in my blood test it was 35 which is good and i am just continue to take same pills right now.
I am 79 kgs and eating 1800-1900 calories daily. Trying to recomp my body. My workouts almost lasts 2 hours, and i assume burn 1k calories(It is really hot in these summer day in my region.) I sweet a lot.
So what is wrong with my chest and have i got the balance of minerals or electrolytes on my body? Thanks a lot if you even read to this point.