What is your opinion of the whey protein of Optimum nutrition?I Know you have your own brand but you do not ship in greece :(.Also, because i was experiencing some leg cramping after my football match,my doctor told me to take a supplement of magnesium, some days before and some days after the match,but in the manual it says that someone with creatine over 3mg% should not take it.Is there any danger with supplementing creatine and magnisium?
Thank you and keep up the good work
Optimum is okay, not great, not bad.
I don’t think magnesium is useful to take for cramping, as cramping are typically not related to electrolytes. I also don’t think creatine supplementation is related.
It has to do with conditioning for the sport.
Thank you docc,
Is there a problem with the BCAAs or because of the aritificial sweeteners?
As far as the magnesium,I am just letting the placebo to take over my mind
Also ,today i had a football match.At the second half there was an injury and we paused for 10 minutes.When we started again both my calves was cramping really bad.I continued to play(with minor cramps) but after 10 minutes my right calf just gave up and i could not move my ankle and the coach pulled me out of the game.In the middle of the game i was really thirsty(maybe the two espressos before the game dehydrated me) ,i dont know if that played a role.I underastand that it has a lot to do with conditioning for the sport but I belong in the top 3 most condition players of the team.Well maybe i am still too weak.Is there any nutrition or other advice for cramping(except conditioning) ?
PS: I started LP a month ago but because of the football matches I raise the weigths every week,not every day.
Those are not the reasons I don’t love Optimum Nutrition. I just think it’s an average protein.
When you go for a run (during practice, for instance), do you get cramps?
No,only in the last two games.In the first game cramping wasn’t that bad and in the second game was the situation that I described above.Maybe I am too fatigued.The next game is March 19 so i have a week to cover 3 workouts of LP and 3 practices(the practice is fairly easy this time of the year).I usually train Monday-Wednesday-Friday .In the morning I weightlift and in the afternoon i go for the football practise.Is a weekend enough time to rest for a game or I should rest more?
I would not run LP 3x/wk in this situation if you’re getting cramps. Do it 2x/wk or change programs.
Thank you docc keep up the good work